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"...poems by heart"

“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.”  ― Rainer Maria Rilk

I love late Spring. I was born then, knowingly, of course. No other season does one wholly appreciate warm weather than that of late Spring (unless you don't have four distinct seasons). Though, by the middle of Summer, gratitude is rapidly wilted. I've been taking advantage of these days as much as work stingily permits, and spending them outdoors with my family and friends. I don't usually have my camera with me, but here are a few shots. I went to downtown Annapolis a couple of times, more Philly, and spending time locally, too. Annapolis had delicious seafood (Subhanallah to the fresh crab cakes) and a sweet, cozy downtown with lots of charming yet overpriced boutiques. There were good-postured boys in white Navy uniforms everywhere and all seemed to know each other, so our large group of Muslim ladies were definitely attention-gathering (as per usual). Cute and friendly town, I'm surprised I had never went earlier! 

Sheerin; keeping it classic with a basic blazer, maxi dress, and clutch. I have a thin mint green oversize blouse with boyfriend jeans and classic strappy leather sandals by Nine West (really into that old lady look these days) with a casual bag by Etienne Aigner (that I bought on Ebay of course). The thick black and white striped hijab is from H&M.

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